For your journey to health and well-being
be still - for mind and body
Our awareness of mental health, the issues surrounding it have increased over the last decade. However, the research shows that there is still much to do.
NICE guidelines now recommend that employers make mindfulness available to employees to support mental wellbeing in the workplace
Research has shown that through mindfulness training, people can proactively manage their state of mind. We have the skills to reduce burn out, increase productivity, enhance job satisfaction delivering wellbeing support.
At bestill we offer a range of packages that can be delivered both in person and online. Our sessions use an array of physical, mindful and complementary therapy tools to teach and guide people in a range of activities that can be utilised and practiced by the individual on a daily basis.
At bestill – for mind and body, our mission is to take you on a journey to find ways that suit you to improve your life, both personally and professionally. We know that different things work for different people. We offer a range of methods, including Yoga, Mindfulness, meditations, and complementary therapies to explore and find what is right for you.
Reduce stress. Reduce anxiety. Reduce sick days.
Feel more energised. Feel calmer. Feel peaceful.
Better mental health.
Join us on your journey for your health and well-being.
Our Sessions are bespoke and offer a range of methods to promote wellbeing and good mental health. Sessions teach participants a range of techniques and tools that can be practices easily and promote resilience, wellbeing and good mental health. We are able to work with online, as part of staff away days, ad hoc throughout the year.
We'd love to talk to you about your specific requirements.

Yoga - Combining physical poses, breathing, concentration and meditation ​
Pilates - A mindful practice that will help build core strength, promote good back health and focus the mind
Breathing workshop - Explore how we breath, how to breathe mindfully and to use breath practice to improve physical and mental wellbeing
Sleep workshop - Explore why sleep is so important, how it effects us and how to promote good sleep hygiene

Meditation - A variety of guided meditations techniques are taught and explored
Mindfulness - Explore a variety of techniques that can be used regularly to promote mindful practice
Sound Bath- An opportunity to fully relax, switch off and reset the mind

Aromatherapy - Understand and learn how aromatherapy can be used to support good mental health
Massage for me - Exploring massage techniques that you can use yourself to promote mindfulness and release stress
EFT -Emotional Freedom Technique A mindful self practice that can be used anytime, anywhere to help relieve the symptoms of stress and anxiety
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